Add-On Module
Add-On Module DASHBOARD’s
The OMEGA Dashboard is a unique tool for graphic presentation of basically any kind of information from OMEGA’s database., such as:
Crew data / History / Actuals
Payroll data
Leave, Overtime, Sickness
Appraisals / Performance Dashboards
Competences & Training Courses
Rest Hours and Working Hours
Sign-off Reasons
Manning / Safe Manning Reports
Planning Dashboards
Age Profiles
Audit Control
All queries are controlled by user-defined scripts, which give a highly customizable configuration. The Dashboard can present meaningful data to a decision making and provides mission-critical corporate information. Any of the Dashboards can be integrated directly into Excel, and addtionally you can various selection parameters on each graph.
Rest Hour & Work Analyzer Analyzer
Using the OMEGA Rest Work & Hour Analyzer it is possible for the office, in a very easy way, to monitor all hour registrations received from the vessels. With built-in fast search routines a non conformance overview including explanation of violation can easily be shown. For the work hour it is possible to analyzer any kind of work type.
Selections can be made in order to customize to print and overview on different parameters, e.g:
Period (month, quarterly, yearly)
Vessel (or group of vessels)
Rank (or group of ranks)
Reason Code
Violation rule / Work Code
Per person
Rest Hour non conformances by Reason
Rest Hour non conformances by Capacity
Rest Hour non conformances by Vessel
Work Hour Statistic per rank/vessel
6 month statistic on any type