The New Mobile Version CloudOMEGA
The Mobile Version: CloudOMEGA
We proudly present our brand new Cloud-OMEGA version, which is an add-on to your OMEGA Endeavour XE version. This is a mobile version optimized for all SmartPhones—and it gives you a part of the OMEGA Database literally in your hands.
The CloudOMEGA is the result of a long period of development from our developer Team – based on input and wishes from our valued OMEGA customers, which today count more than 85 shipping companies world wide.
With CloudOMEGA in your hand – you have the best posibility to monitor the latest crew data, vessel information, agent information and presentation in several Dashboards —when you are ”on the road”.
CloudOMEGA is a mobile version of OMEGA – accessing the same data as you have inside OMEGA, such as: Crew Details, Crew Photo, Crew Certificates, Sea Services, Crew Planning, Crew Appraisals, Crew Lists, Vessel Schedule, Agent Details, TO-DO information, Payroll info, Rest Hour Analyzer & Alerts, Work Hour Analyzer – and a direct link to SMS, WhatsApp and Viber in case you want to contact the crew.
CloudOMEGA replicates data on a daily basis towards your existing OMEGA-database – meaning that crew data entered in OMEGA, will be visible literally in your hands – using your SmartPhone.